

교과목 안내

PBA603통계학Ⅱ (StasticsⅡ)
PBA604연구 방법론 (Research Methodology)
PBA618인적자원 관리 (Human Resource Management)
PBA641공공리더십 세미나 (Seminar in Public Leadership)
PBA642공공선택 세미나 (Seminar in Public Choice)
PBA661공공재무관리 세미나 (Seminar on Public Financial Management)
PBA643관리분석 세미나 (Seminar in Management Science)
PBA659기후변화 정책세미나 (Climate Change Policy Seminar)
PBA631도시와 경제 (Economic Aspects of Urban Problems)
PBA6512방사성폐기물과 갈등관리 정책특론(Seminar on Radioactive Waste and Conflict Management Policy)
PBA653복지정책 세미나 (Welfare Policy)
PBA612 비교발전행정 세미나 (Comparative and Development Administration)
PBA633시민참여 세미나 (Seminar on Citizen Participation)
PBA6513위험사회와 안전정책 세미나 (Citizen Participation and Local/Urban Politics)
PBA644의사결정 세미나 (Seminar in Decision Making)
PBA646이민정책 세미나 (Seminar on Immigration Policy)
PBA623전자정부기술기반 (e-Government Technology Infrastructure)
PBA624정보사회와 전자정부 (Information Society and e-Government)
PBA625정보자원관리 세미나 (Seminar on Information Resources Management)
PBA656정책갈등 및 관리론 (Seminars On Political Theory)
PBA654정책분석평가 세미나 (Seminar on Policy Analysis and Evaluation)
PBA613조직구조세미나 (Seminar in Organization Structure and Design)
PBA619조직이론 세미나 (Seminar in Organization Theory)
PBA614조직행태세미나 (Seminar in Organization Behavior)
PBA656정책이론세미나 (Seminars On Political Theory)
PBA634중앙-지방 관계론 (Inter-Governmental Relations)
PBA616행정규제 세미나 (Administrative Regulation)
PBA636지역개발 세미나 (Seminar on Regional Administration)
PBA657통상산업정책 세미나 (Commerce Industrial Policy)
PBA615평가와 보상 (Evaluation and Compensation)
PBA617  행정윤리세미나 (Ethics in Public Administration)
PBA601  행정이론 세미나 (Theory and Practice of Public Administration)
PBA658 환경과 자원정책 세미나 (Seminar in Environment and Resource Policy)
IIS754  과학기술 거버넌스와 법·규제(Governance and Regulations on Science and Technology Policies)
IIS753과학기술 행정체계(Administrative System for Science and Technology)
IIS752과학기술정책 연구방법론(Statistical Research Method for Science and Technology Policy)
IIS653과학기술정책론(Science and Technology Policy)
IIS759디지털 경제정책과 통상(Digital Economy Policy and Commerce)
IIS853미래에너지 정책특론(Special Topics in Future Energy Policy)